Tag Archives: family

The GREAT Balancing Act of Eating Frogs

16 Feb

The GREAT Balancing Act of Eating Frogs.

The GREAT Balancing Act of Eating Frogs

16 Feb

Life. It is busy. We are all busy, and our plates are so full they are over flowing. So, how do we do it all, and still stay sane? Sometimes I ask myself this very question…and question my sanity from time to time as well. And lately, it seems that my plate keeps getting more and more full!

Each week I write down my goals, and each day I write down a to do list. In order to make my life as efficient and effective as possible I put the biggest and most important task that I have to accomplish at the top of my list. Brian Tracey would call that my “frog” for the day and I would essentially “eat that frog” or check it off my list once accomplished. Brian Tracey explains in his book, “Eat that Frog” that Mark Twain once said “Eat a live frogFrog2  every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” If you will eat the frog first thing in the morning (your biggest task on your to do list), you will have more energy the rest of the day.

Unfortunately, we tend to put off our most difficult task until last, and in doing so dread doing that task or end up getting all worked up in anticipation of doing that task. You will end up reaching all your goals faster and accomplishing MORE each day if you do your BIGGEST task first, or eat your biggest and UGLIEST frog first. If you get your to do list done right away in the morning, you will reach your goals faster and you will end up having MORE time to do those things you really want to do…and your plate just got a LITTE less full.

Some of the best advice that a close friend gave me a few years ago was to really sit down and look at all the things and activities that take up your time, or make up your full plate. Look at all of those activities with a fine tooth comb, and which ones are essential to your day to day life, which ones are not essential. Are there any activities that are not helping you reach your goals? Any activities that you dread? Really look at everything on your plate. If there are any activities that are not helping you reach your goals and dreams, then consider cutting them out. Obviously don’t cut out the things you LOVE, but think of the things that you could do without and take that time you would have spent doing that activity and put that energy towards something that you are already involved in that will really help you reach all of your goals or something that is meaningful to you- like spending more time with family. And your plate is looking a little more manageable now.

Another thing I like to do is PLAN ahead. Failure to plan, is a plan to fail. On Sunday before the week starts I sit down with my husband and our weekly calendar (displayed on our refrigerator) and make our “plan of attack” for the week. We plan out every detail, from our work meetings, events with friends, family gatherings, daily workouts, poker night, all the way down to our meals for the week and WHO is cooking them (yes WHO is cooking them- I recommend asking your significant other to be responsible for a meal ONE night during the work week). Planning streamlines our hectic lives saves us time during the busy work week. It makes life LESS stressful because we know what the week entails. Also planning out our workouts helps us hold ourselves accountable to them and it gives us some “me” time. I would also highly recommend planning out your meals for the week- this saves you time at the grocery and MONEY preventing you from throwing away food that is spoiled and uneaten AND not to mention saves you the headache and dreaded question “What’s for dinner?” My calendar tells me what’s for dinner.

Multitask. Sometimes. That word “multitasking” is a big buzz word right now. Multitasking is good for somethings, not for others. Not good to multitask talking on the phone, doing your make up and driving the car at the same time. That might save you time, but it’s not safe. Instead multitask in areas that it is more appropriate and WILL infact save you time. One of my favorite ways to multitask AND plan ahead is to prep my meals for the week, and prepare everyone’s lunches for the next day WHILE I am cooking dinner that night. Chicken takes time to cook, right? So why not use that time to get everything ready for tomorrow? Plus I’ve gotten one more thing DONE and over with. I’ve just eaten another frog that I don’t have to look at the rest of the night in anticipation of eating that frog. Instead it’s been eaten and it’s done. I will also get everyone’s bags packed for the next day at this time (this includes anything my husband needs to take to work, the diaper bag for the baby, and my workout bag for the gym). Another frog. Eaten. Will I even have an appetite for dinner with all these frogs being consumed?

And lastly but MOST importantly, schedule time for YOU. Like I said earlier, it is a GREAT balancing act, but you must make time for this one or else you will hit a wall. Wether the “you” time is reading a book, catching up on the DVR, or going to the gym, whatever makes YOU happy, pencil that in on your calendar. And in return, allow your significant other some “HIM” time. Away from the baby, away from you even maybe. Everyone needs that. And ofcourse, make time for each other. Wether it’s a date night once a week or once a month, or just cuddling on the couch once the kids go to bed, make a concious effort to let your significant other know that they are loved and appreciated- we need that too.

While all of these things may seem easy in theory, in practice they are hard. Make your to do list. Eat the ugliest frog first. Plan. Multitask. Schedule time for YOU. Schedule time for EACH OTHER. Practice makes perfect and just do your best each week. Don’t get overwhelmed- you can do this.

Like they say…
How do you eat an elephant?…One bite at a time.

Healthy Mom Checklist

26 Jan

I’m a mom. I’m a wife. A teacher. A fitness coach. A daughter and a friend. We all wear many hats and we all have busy, BUSY lives that we lead. Sometimes I find myself taking a step back and thinking, “Wow, how do I DO all of this? And stay sane!”. The answer is, you just DO IT, but I think most importantly, you have to take care of yourself and sometimes that means putting yourself first on your to-do list.

As a busy mom, I have found a few tricks that help me stay on top of all that I have to do, all while taking care of myself in the meantime. Some may say, “That’s impossible for me”, or “I just don’t have time for that”, well the fact of the matter is that if being healthy is a priority, then you WILL find time for it. I don’t want to sound “preachy” but I promise you that when you make time for yourself and for being healthy, you will be a better mom, wife, teacher, coach, daughter and friend in the long run.

Here’s a few simple tips on HOW you can make this happen and be the best version of YOU that you can be.

Healthy Mom Checklist:

  1. Write down your goals and priorities
  2. Make a daily to-do list
  3. Exercise
  4. Eat healthy
  5. Make time for family

Sounds relatively simple in theory, but can be somewhat difficult in practice with the daily ins and outs of life. But I promise YOU can do this. If I can do this YOU can do this. First and foremost, you should write down your goals and priorities and focus on making those goals your accomplishments. Anything that you want to do in life, make an action plan to make it happen. And make sure your goals align with your priorities. Revisit your goals and priorities often so you can stay on track and not waiver. If you need help in writing down your goals, priorities and making an action plan please see my blog about setting goals.

Second, you should be making a daily to-do list every day. Whether you are writing then down on a scrap piece of paper, or keeping track through an app on your smart phone. This will help you to focus and use your time more effectively and efficiently so you will have MORE time to do the things you want to do like spend time with family. You can put anything on this to-do list. I’d also invest in a family calendar to organize any events you, your husband or partner, or kids have- this will help you plan more effectively. You can buy one or print one for free just by googling “Free Printable Calendar”. Put it on your fridge for everyone to see and add to when needed.

I encourage you to write at the TOP of your list to #1 EXERCISE. Why do I say this? Because if you get it done, it’s OVER with and you DON’T have to think about it for the rest of the day. Find a workout that you enjoy doing and mix it up!!! Do different workouts to keep yourself from getting bored. Also try to find a workout buddy or an accountability partner. You will be more likely to stick to a workout plan if you know that you have someone else holding you accountable. If you are making time for yourself and getting in at least 30-45 minutes of exercise you will end up having MORE energy to focus where needed.

Fourth, eat healthy. This is probably the hardest of the bunch- at least it is for me because I love food and I love to eat! Remember that calendar you printed off earlier? Get it out. Now before you go do your weekly grocery shopping, sit down with your calendar and plan out your meals. The best plan is a well laid out plan. A great website for healthy meal ideas is www.hungrygirl.com and a great way to track what you are eating to make sure you are in your calorie range is www.myfitnesspal.com or www.freedieting.com. These will also help you figure out your ideal calorie range.

And last but definitely not least is make time for family. If you do all of the above I guarantee you will have not only more energy but also more time to spend with your family. Plus you will feel better and you will increase quality of time you spend with your family. You could even combine exercise and eating healthy to include your family. Teach your children to cook with you, start instilling healthy eating habits in them early. Take a walk with your husband and children, or a nice bike ride.

So, what are you waiting for??? Get up and start making that to do list and start MAKING your dreams a REALITY. You’ve got this.